JUPEB past questions and answer is now a necessity as admission into JUPEB programme requires candidates to sit for Its examination conducted in various designated institutions at the end of the programme.
In our previous Post, We wrote on how to Pass JUPEB examination successfully and if you understood the post very well, You Should know how Past Questions can contribute to your JUPEB examination.
If you are yet to call us to request for JUPEB examination past questions and answers (8,000 for complete courses). We advise that you do so as soon as possible because most of the questions you will see in the examination hall are usually repetition of past questions.
We are glad to announce the availability of JUPEB study materials (JUPEB past questions and answers) for all students, be it Arts/Humanities, sciences or social sciences in other to
enhance your preparation for JUPEB final examination .
Among other examination preparation materials, we will want you to know that JUPEB examination past questions and answers is an added advantage to you. For the benefit of those of us that do not know what JUPEB is all about, let me explain a little about it.
JUPEB means Joint University Preliminary Examination board . It is a 10 month programme that enables students gain direct admission into 200lv without JAMB.
Available JUPEB Past Questions and Answers
We have JUPEB examination Past questions and answers for the following subjects;
1. Christian Religious Studies
2. Government
3. Biology
4. Agricultural Science
5. Islamic Studies
6. Music,
7. French
8. Igbo,
9. Mathematics,
10. Economics,
11. Visual Arts,
12. Yoruba
13. Geography,
14. History,
15. Accounting,
16. Business Studies,
17. Physics
18. Chemistry,
19. Literature in English.
To get the complete compilation of JUPEB past questions and answers call us on 08187176895 or